Friday, October 29, 2010

The Wonder of God's Creation

Our WWW.go group enjoyed their "leaf peeping" trip this week and it looks like this weekend will be prime time for taking in the wonders of God's great canvas known as Autumn.

Ever hard to please, we sometimes complain about the inconsistency of the fall foliage. Perhaps we would rather have a switch that simply turned the colors from green to yellow, orange, or red, but that's not how it works. Temperature, moisture, and the type of tree all are factors in the transformation process we see in the seasons. Like many things the Creator has made, we want to think that we could improve upon it in some way, but how can that be done??? The beauty and wonder of nature is not dependent on human improvement. God, the Eternal One, the Maker of heaven and earth has fashioned this world, and like the Psalmist, we must come before God to affirm the glorious things that God has done. In Psalm 8, the writer proclaims, "O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth. When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers...what are mere mortals that you are mindful of them." To view and experience the wonder of God's creation is to marvel at all that God has done and to praise God in everything.

As you look around you during this season and notice that some trees are ablaze with color while others are more muted, while still others seem to have little color, recognize that God is at work in all things, and that everything God has made is beautiful in its own way, and that includes you!

Enjoy the view!!!
