Thursday, December 8, 2011

Advent Devotional - December 8

December 8
Proverbs 12:19-21

“…those who promote peace have joy.”
Proverbs 12:20b

There are many things that produce joy in our lives…a child’s first words, acceptance into your long dreamed of college, a clean bill of health from the doctor, a hot fudge sundae with whipped cream, walnuts, and a cherry on top. Joy comes, however, not only in the moments when something good happens to us, but also in the recognition of good that happens where others are concerned.

The wise writer of our text for today encourages the promotion of peace. Others may tell lies and deceive, but that is the act of the temporary. “Truthful lips endure forever,” he says. The person of faith honors God through obedience and persistent commitment. To promote peace is to intentionally, actively honor one’s commitment to God every day, in every circumstance. As a follower of Jesus Christ, to promote peace not only brings joy within my heart, but also impacts others around me. To be an example of Christ’s love is to promote a peace that mirrors the transforming power of God’s love. Joy is then a bi-product of that transformation.

The angels told the shepherds that they brought news of great joy. The shepherds went to the manger, then left to tell others the joyous good news. “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people,” the angel proclaimed to the shepherds. As you and I promote peace in the name of Christ, we are proclaiming that same, joyful news.

Prayer: Like the shepherds, help us, O God, to share the good news of what has been done in Bethlehem…help us to promote peace and joy. Amen.

Jim Abernathy

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