Friday, November 7, 2014

50th Anniversary Weekend Celebration!

The final preparations are under way, our fiftieth anniversary celebration is here! We began our "Fifty Sundays" emphasis one year ago and throughout the year, we have heard wonderful stories of our church, enjoyed several special concerts and events, and experienced the warm and inviting fellowship that our Westwood family is known for.  Now, the anniversary weekend is here and the celebration will be complete.
More than 300 members, former members, and friends of Westwood will be sharing in this special weekend.  A time of fellowship will begin Saturday evening at 5, followed by dinner at 6, and a program to follow in the sanctuary.  So many people have given so much of themselves in preparing for this special weekend, too many to name, but all greatly appreciated.  Sunday morning, fellowship time will begin at 9:30 with worship to follow at 10:30.  Please take note of these special times and that we will not have Sunday School this Sunday.  Nursery workers will be in place at 9:30. 
The theme for the Saturday night after dinner program will be, "Take Me Home: A Celebration of Westwood," and will focus on the stories of Westwood through the years.  Remembrances, music, laughter, and appreciation will mark this evening as we give thanks for God's hand at work among us through the years.  Sunday morning, our service will focus on three themes, based on Psalm 77:11-12...Remember, Ponder, and Meditate.  Dr. Whitten and I will speak, former staff members will lead in worship, a variety of special music will be shared from our music ministry, and there will be a special remembrance from one of our charter members.  It will indeed be a day to remember!
Westwood has a rich history of warmth and hospitality.  The events of this weekend will once more prove this to be true.  Let me ask you to keep a few things in mind. First, Saturday evening, there will be a lot of folks in a lot of places in our building.  Patience and flexibility will be key.  We will have a wonderful meal and time of fellowship, but we will have to work together to get everyone through the serving lines, to their tables, and then on to the sanctuary for the program.  Special instructions will be given to facilitate this process.  Our cooperation will make the difference! Second, if able, consider parking in the Cary Building lot so our guests can be accommodated.  If you need to drop someone off in the circle or use the handicap spaces, please feel free to do this.  But when possible, use the Cary lot for Saturday evening and Sunday morning to assist our guests. Finally, be in prayer about this special weekend.  Our desire is that God will be honored in our worship and fellowship.  Thanks again to everyone who has been preparing for this special time and to all who will celebrate this blessed weekend.
I'm looking forward to seeing you over the weekend!
Jim Abernathy

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