Do you remember a moment of great joy where your first thought was to find someone that you could share that good news with? The beneficiaries of such good news are most often family and close friends…perhaps the first one to answer your call, maybe even the first person you see!
The Psalmist cannot contain his joy in realizing all that God has done for him. Verse fifteen says, “My mouth will tell of your righteous deeds, of your saving acts all day long.” This isn’t the casual proclamation of an occasional blessing. This is an all day, every day approach to life that cannot be contained. Praise spills over from a sense of God’s blessing and presence that must be shared. Note that this isn’t situational or even seasonal. The Psalmist declares his desire to tell this story, even into his old age, that those who are to come will hear and know the marvelous deeds of God.
The season of Advent calls us to reflection and preparation. But it is only part of a calendar of life that is to be a continuing reflection of praise for almighty God. “Glory to God in the highest,” the angels shouted as they proclaimed the birth of Jesus to the Shepherds. That is a proclamation of praise that should mark our lives as well. Yes, I will always have hope and will praise God more and more for God’s wondrous gift of love, Jesus Christ.
Prayer: Glory and honor to you, O God…Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer. Through all the days of my life, may my praise bring honor to you and good news to the world around me. Amen.
Jim Abernathy