Friday, July 24, 2015

"It's a Gift!"

Since I cannot join our adopt-a-highway group tomorrow to clean Old Keene Mill Hwy, I went ahead and cleaned a portion of this busy road that Westwood is responsible for this morning.  It was a beautiful morning. Indeed, one woman who smiled at me as she waited for a bus, pointed to the blue sky, breathed in the air, and said of the day, "It's a gift!"  She was right.  As I made my way on down the road, another man, a worker for Fairfax County who was supervising a tree trimming crew, stopped to thank me for picking up the trash along the roadside.  I didn't expect either exchange, but both were reminders of the blessings we share in the simplest things of life...the beauty of a new day and the gratitude one shares with another.

Wherever you are today, take a moment to consider this day as a gift, and then give thanks to God for the treasure of this particular day. Make the most of it!

Thanks to the Hope Class for sponsoring the Adopt-a-Highway cleanup tomorrow morning at 9. Come and help clean the area of Old Keene Mill Rd designated for Westwood to take care of. Many hands make for quicker work.   

Sunday morning we will share in the dedication of Adalyn Chen to the Lord by her parents, Paul and Kyle.  We will also hear from our Impact Team. I hope you will be present for this special service. Then plan to join us Sunday night at 7 for Westwood's Got Talent.

Enjoy the gift of this day.

Jim Abernathy

Friday, July 17, 2015

Faithful Empowerment

Yesterday, we celebrated the life of Nancy D'Ambrosio, long-time member of Westwood.  Another of our long-time faithful members, Charles Clark, shared his remembrances of Nancy during the service, particularly highlighting her persistent interest in missions.  Charles told us that Nancy was not only faithful in prayer and present in mission action, but also generous in her giving to support mission efforts locally and around the world.  In other words, her faithfulness empowered the work of others and therefore, the work of the Kingdom.
Sunday, we will pray for and then send out our Impact Team.  They will spend the week in Fluvanna rehabbing broken structures and offering hope and help in Jesus' name to the residents they encounter.  We may not be able to go with them, but like Nancy, we can faithfully empower their work through prayer and faithful giving.  Pray for this team every day and then give faithfully throughout the year in your regular budget giving, Mama Mias, and other fundraisers such as the dessert auction.  In doing so, you are participating in meaningful ways, following the example of Nancy and so many others through the years who have made missions a Westwood priority.
Join us for worship this Sunday as we commission our Impact Team and invite a friend to join you.

Jim Abernathy

Saturday, July 4, 2015

July 4

With hand upon heart I thank the Lord For this my native land,
For all I love is here within her gates.
My soul is rooted deeply in the soil on which I stand,
For these are mine own United States.
                             (Don Raye)
I remember singing the great American folk song, "This is My Country" in elementary school.  As a child I learned to value the nation of my birth and began to understand the responsibilities of citizenship.  Now, some fifty years later, on this 4th of July, I find myself thinking about this text, and though my perspective is hopefully a bit more mature, there is still a sense of wonder and appreciation for "this, my native land."  Citizens and friends of this nation will gather today in homes, along parade routes, in parks and backyards across our land to celebrate the freedoms we enjoy and to hear again and again the stories of our country's 239 year history.
Take a moment today to do what Don Raye's lyric calls us to do...'thank the Lord for this my native land."  To do so is not to claim that we are favored above other nations in God's eyes, but it does mean that we recognize we are blessed to live in a free land...a place of sacrifice and service that offers great opportunity and calls us to great responsibility.   
We will take a few moments in our service tomorrow morning to give thanks for our country and to allow you to voice your gratitude.  Again, during July and August, our dress is more casual and worship less formal, so if you have guests from out of town, or a friend or neighbor nearby, invite them to join you.  I look forward to seeing you.

Jim Abernathy

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Trust the Lord...In Everything!

God's blessings to you on this soggy Thursday!  I told someone in a distant city after a recent downpour here (can't remember which one because they have been happening multiple times a day!) that the ark had been completed and we were ready to set sail! They thought I was talking about water in my basement.  I assured them our basement was one of the few things dry around us, but the water outside seemed to be rising fast!  By July, things are usually beginning to look a bit dry, and the extremes of summer will probably bring that before long.  In the meantime, we will be cutting our grass more frequently, enjoying rainy walks with the dog, and trying to sidestep those puddles that seem to be everywhere.
Jesus is quoted in Matthew 5:45b as he speaks of the wonder of his heavenly Father's handiwork, "He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous." In other words, what seem to be the extremes of life are part of the human experience within the context of God's creation.   There is an ebb and flow in God's creation, and we are to strive to do our best to honor the Creator in the midst of all of it. Jesus' words were offered within what we call, "The Sermon on the Mount," and meant to give instruction about how we relate to the Creator and to the creation. And so, in sunshine or rain, heat or cold, victory and defeat...soggy shoes or parched throat, give thanks with a humble heart and trust the everything!
Arrangements for Rita Pearsall's daughter, Sandy, have been made.  The memorial service will be held Wednesday, July 8 at 1 p.m. at Fairfax Memorial Funeral Home.  Please keep Rita, Sandy's daughter Skylar, and all the family in your prayers.  As was shared in yesterday's Westwood Express, Nancy D'Ambrosio passed away yesterday.  Nancy was a deacon, Sunday School teacher, and faithful member of Westwood in so many ways over the years. Funeral arrangements are still pending and we will share those when they are made.  Please keep Nancy's family in your prayers.  
VBS starts Monday, so please keep our children, workers, and parents in your prayers.  For those who still need to take the Child Protection Training before VBS begins, your last opportunity to do so is this Sunday morning at 10. I look forward to sharing in Bible study and worship with you this Sunday!  Dress comfortably, invite a friend, and come with great expectation.
Jim Abernathy