Thursday, July 2, 2015

Trust the Lord...In Everything!

God's blessings to you on this soggy Thursday!  I told someone in a distant city after a recent downpour here (can't remember which one because they have been happening multiple times a day!) that the ark had been completed and we were ready to set sail! They thought I was talking about water in my basement.  I assured them our basement was one of the few things dry around us, but the water outside seemed to be rising fast!  By July, things are usually beginning to look a bit dry, and the extremes of summer will probably bring that before long.  In the meantime, we will be cutting our grass more frequently, enjoying rainy walks with the dog, and trying to sidestep those puddles that seem to be everywhere.
Jesus is quoted in Matthew 5:45b as he speaks of the wonder of his heavenly Father's handiwork, "He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous." In other words, what seem to be the extremes of life are part of the human experience within the context of God's creation.   There is an ebb and flow in God's creation, and we are to strive to do our best to honor the Creator in the midst of all of it. Jesus' words were offered within what we call, "The Sermon on the Mount," and meant to give instruction about how we relate to the Creator and to the creation. And so, in sunshine or rain, heat or cold, victory and defeat...soggy shoes or parched throat, give thanks with a humble heart and trust the everything!
Arrangements for Rita Pearsall's daughter, Sandy, have been made.  The memorial service will be held Wednesday, July 8 at 1 p.m. at Fairfax Memorial Funeral Home.  Please keep Rita, Sandy's daughter Skylar, and all the family in your prayers.  As was shared in yesterday's Westwood Express, Nancy D'Ambrosio passed away yesterday.  Nancy was a deacon, Sunday School teacher, and faithful member of Westwood in so many ways over the years. Funeral arrangements are still pending and we will share those when they are made.  Please keep Nancy's family in your prayers.  
VBS starts Monday, so please keep our children, workers, and parents in your prayers.  For those who still need to take the Child Protection Training before VBS begins, your last opportunity to do so is this Sunday morning at 10. I look forward to sharing in Bible study and worship with you this Sunday!  Dress comfortably, invite a friend, and come with great expectation.
Jim Abernathy 

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