"Every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything."
(Hebrews 3:4)
Henry Fisher Builders built our house in Crescent Springs, Kentucky in 1992. Though we never met Mr. Fisher personally, we can vouch for the quality of home his company built. We had heard nightmare stories about building a home, and were quite concerned going into the project about how it would turn out. We were either very fortunate or incredibly naive in the end for the finished product was everything we hoped it would be. The house was finished and closed on time. Mr. Fisher, or at the very least, those who represented him, knew what they were doing.
The writer of today's text acknowledges the capability of human hands to build a house. Those hands have limitations. God, however, is the builder of everything. Here there are no limitations. These hands formed the universe, created human beings from the dust of the earth, and fashioned salvation in the human/divine form of Jesus, the Christ. Human hands could never have created such possibility or opportunity. The human mind could never have devised the plan of redemption that would envision a cross. Human hands created the problem...God fashioned the answer.
Prayer: Creator God, builder of everything, fashion anew my heart in the very image of the Savior, Jesus, the Christ. Amen.
Jim Abernathy