Our quarterly church conference will be held in Whitten Hall after morning worship this Sunday. Among the important issues to be considered are the 2013 unified budget, revisions to our bylaws, and a recommendation to initiate an endowment fund at Westwood. Each of these recommendations are significant and have been brought forward after much work and prayer. One of the blessings of our congregational form of church government is the privilege to empower brothers and sisters in Christ to the task of preparation and presentation of these recommendations, and to offer the congregation the opportunity to act on such recommendations. Having worked with or known of the work of these groups over the last several months, I am confident that each team and committee has worked faithfully to bring to the congregation meaningful recommendations that will enhance and encourage the continuing work of Christ in our Westwood community and beyond.
Sometimes we take for granted the privilege of working together in community for the cause of Christ. We will never agree on every aspect of every recommendation...the uniqueness of every person and perspective assures that. And yet, bound together by the love of Christ, we walk together to accomplish what we could never do by ourselves. That cooperation and strength of purpose is celebrated every time we gather to worship, work, and fellowship. I am grateful for such a rich heritage and so bright a future. With the courage to follow Christ and the commitment to walk together in love, much has been accomplished and there is still much more to do.
I look forward to Sunday as another opportunity to affirm God's hand at work in the continuing story of faith known as Westwood Baptist Church.
Jim Abernathy