Cindy and I went to the grocery
store last evening in preparation for guests who would be arriving during the
night. Six college students were coming for the weekend...Clayton and five of
his buddies from the University of Kentucky. We had secured air mattresses from
friends so everybody would have a place to sleep and completed the appropriate
cleaning Cindy thought necessary to prepare for guests, though I was sure these
six wouldn't be bringing their white gloves to check for dust. So the grocery
store was the final act of preparation. On the way to the checkout I began to
protest that we had enough food to feed an army. Cindy refreshed my memory about
the eating habits of college young men and I reluctantly agreed, sliding my
debit card through the reader, completing the transaction. My bank account was
significantly lighter and I sighed in resignation, knowing that in 48 hours the
food and the young men would be gone.
We enjoy having guests from time to time. Cindy loves to cook, Max always
welcomes everyone with the same enthusiastic bark, and I enjoy hearing the
stories of life that so often accompany these encounters. Hospitality is a
blessing given and received.
Over the past fourteen years I have come to appreciate hospitality as one
of Westwood's greatest gifts. To welcome others in Jesus' name and to make them
feel at home in worship, fellowship, and ministry is a treasure indeed. Many
folks visiting for the first time have told me over the years how welcoming
Westwood is. I am grateful for the hospitality you share and am convinced that
your kindness and openness to others make Westwood a warm and inviting community
of faith. Let us continue to open our doors and our hearts to all who come,
for in doing so, we also welcome Christ.
Join us for worship this Sunday as we celebrate Music Dedication Sunday at
Westwood. Our choirs will be sharing special music and I will be sharing a
message entitled, "What Does Wisdom Look Like," based on the third and fourth
chapters of James. Invite someone to join you for this special Sunday.
When it's all said and done, hospitality opens doors not only for the
guest, but also the host. May our hearts and minds be open to welcome all who
come. The blessing we offer is also one we receive.
Jim Abernathy