This Sunday is World Communion Sunday and across the world, Christians will share in the supper that calls us to unity in the midst of our many differences. In thinking about his disciples and for those who would come after them, Jesus prayed in the seventeenth chapter of John, "...that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you." The grace, mercy, and forgiveness God offers through the sacrifice of Christ is a blessing we all share by faith. In a way, World Communion Sunday might be considered a Pentecost moment, when people of different languages, cultures, and interests all come together, led by the Spirit to honor Christ. I hope you will join us at Westwood this Sunday morning to pray, sing, proclaim, then share the supper of our Lord. In doing so, we will join millions in hearing once more the words of Christ, "Do this in remembrance of me."
Pray also for those women of Westwood who will be on retreat this weekend. Dr. Trisha Miller Manarin will be leading the retreat.
Blessings to our women on retreat. I look forward to seeing the rest of you as we gather on Sunday morning..
Pray also for those women of Westwood who will be on retreat this weekend. Dr. Trisha Miller Manarin will be leading the retreat.
Blessings to our women on retreat. I look forward to seeing the rest of you as we gather on Sunday morning..
Jim Abernathy