Friday, November 11, 2011

Sacrifice and Gratitude

I drove onto the campus of the Walter Reed Medical Center this week and was confronted before I ever stepped into the hospital with a powerful portrait of sacrifice. As I made my way toward the parking garage, I drove alongside a line of soldiers, some accompanied by medical personnel, enjoying a late autumn sunny day. A closer look revealed that these young men weren't out for a casual stroll. Some limped with a cane, while others leaned on crutches, clung tightly to the leash of a guide dog, or rolled along the sidewalk in a wheelchair. As I pulled up to a stop sign, I yielded to a young man pushing his wheelchair through the cross walk, one leg missing, the other framed by rods and pins that externally held his broken leg in place. These were those commonly referred to today as "wounded warriors." I did not know their stories, but recognized that they were well acquainted with the concept of sacrifice.

Today is Veterans Day. It is a day that reminds us that we are debtors whose lives have been impacted by the sacrifices of men and women who serve this nation so faithfully. Such willingness to serve often goes unnoticed and is at times under-appreciated. One cannot know the history of this nation without recognizing the significance of service and sacrifice. For me, it was evident on the sidewalks of Walter Reed this week, yet, not limited to a generation of young men and women whose contemporary service uniquely marks them. They are the newest faces in an unfolding story of freedom that has been told over and over again for more than two centuries. The United States of America stands on a foundation of service and sacrifice that calls her citizens to recognize and appreciate the willingness of many who have given much in service to our country. So, take a moment today to thank a veteran or active-duty military person. Your act of gratitude will "serve" them well!

Jim Abernathy

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