Friday, April 24, 2009

April 24, 2009

This has been a beautiful day, and tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer, perhaps even in the 80's!!! Can summer be far behind??? The changing seasons are but one reminder of the wonder of God's creation. The dark and dreary days of winter are giving way to the glory of spring. I played golf today, and though my score was not what I would have liked, I couldn't be too unhappy, for to spend several hours with friends in the midst of God's greening earth was therapy indeed!

What are you doing to enjoy these days? Some are busy with schedules that have you running nearly every moment...but take a few minutes to step outside, breathe deeply, and look around you. There is more to experience than your calendar. Some of you are struggling with health issues, or with caring for a sick family member. These are difficult days, but look out a window or open an outside door to see and hear how God is at work. Birds, unlike humans, often sign their most beautiful songs in the morning, and sunsets sometimes color our perspectives with new light. Some are hesitant about the future and its uncertainties. But think for a moment as you consider God's beautiful world around you...if God could create such wonders, including yourself, shouldn't you trust that creation, including yourself, into God's hands?

I hope my golf game will get better as the year progresses, but who knows. The wonder of all that God has made, however, will continue to bless and inspire, regardless of my limitations.

So, enjoy all that God has made and take a moment to let me know what you are enjoying about God's creation during these blessed days of spring.

Pastor Jim


  1. I am enjoying the time spent outside with the girls - playing games in the yard, watching them climb trees, and hearing them laugh.

  2. Mary planted some bushes and we had some work done on our front yard a few months ago--and everything is blooming.
