Friday, September 17, 2010

What a Fellowship!!!

We announce to you what we have seen and heard, because we want you also to have fellowship with us. Our fellowship is with God the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.
We write this to you so we may be full of joy." (I John 1:3-4)

Fellowship is an important element of community life, particularly within the church. Now I'm not just talking about pitch-in meals, picnics, homemade ice-cream fellowships, or receptions that Baptist churches are known for...though at Westwood these make for some mighty fine culinary experiences! Fellowship within the church cannot be defined by a particular event or setting. Fellowship might best be defined within the context of the local church as the quality of love shared among the people, that reaches within and beyond that particular people.

Case in point, the fellowship at Westwood has been wonderfully displayed over the past ten days in response to the tragedy in the Nelson family. When news began to spread about Garrick Nelson's tragic death, calls began to come in to the church office..."What can I do to help?" Many have not only asked, but acted to provide meals to Jamie and her family, volunteer their time in the church office during Jamie's absence, bring food for and/or serve at the reception following the funeral to name just a few things that have been done. Westwood also welcomed and expanded our sense of community as hundreds of people attended the memorial service for Garrick, a good number of whom do not attend our church...some who attend no church. Again and again I heard from them what I often hear about Westwood..."This is a warm and welcoming church." I agree. I believe we take seriously the meaning of fellowship, loving and embracing those who are known to us and those we meet for the first time. To welcome others in Jesus name, whether their hearts are heavy because of tragic loss, or whether they are visiting with us for the first time while searching for a new church home, as we greet them with the love and compassion of Christ, we open doors for the Spirit of God to work.

Our fellowship is built on relationship with the Creator God and with the Son, Jesus Christ, as John wrote. We show that such fellowship is authentic when we embrace each other and the world around us in the name of Christ. As a result, blessings abound in words of compassion, smiles of affirmation, hugs of encouragement, and other wonderful expressions of fellowship.

With gratitude to God for sharing in such fellowship through the community of faith known as Westwood Baptist Church, I am indeed blessed, as are you. Let us be "full of Joy" as God continues to be at work in our fellowship.

What a fellowship...what a joy divine!!!

Jim Abernathy

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