"Are You Being Served" was a British sitcom that aired in the United Kingdom from 1972-1985 that lives on in reruns on American Public Broadcasting Networks. Set in the fictional Grace Brothers department store in London, Captain Peacock, Mrs. Slocomb, Miss Brahms, and Mr. Humphries, among others, dutifully assist customers, addressing them consistently with the same question..."Are you being served?' These quirky characters found themselves in challenging circumstances in dealing with customers, management, and their colleagues, always with hilarious results. Their focus was the customer, always seeking to serve.
Service is a quality of human character that marks one's willingness to give of him or her self, most often to help others. This stewardship of time, effort, and resources is a quality of faith for the follower of Jesus Christ who recognizes that he or she is called to serve others.
One of our own, Eric Morrison, will be offering himself tomorrow (Saturday) in service to our community of faith as he leads work efforts around our grounds in fulfillment of his Eagle Scout project. Eric, in consultation with Dennis Milam, has planned a day of service projects at Westwood that will exercise this gift of service and leadership as he guides those present in completing a variety of tasks. You have an opportunity to join Eric and others who work alongside him in this important service project. Come by anytime between 9 & 5 tomorrow to lend a hand and join in this meaningful service project.
Join us Sunday morning as we participate in the ordination of Skip Fee as a deacon. Skip will be sharing his testimony and we will observe the ancient practice of laying on of hands as we set him apart for service. In addition, we will observe communion.
This weekend will be a celebration of service. Thanks for sharing in what promises to be a most meaningful weekend.
Jim Abernathy