A Blessed Friday after
Christmas to all! The joy of Christmas remains in our hearts, even if our trees
are beginning to droop, the poinsettia leaves are beginning to fall, and the
decorations seem like they are multiplying as you think about putting them away
for another year. Like many things done in anticipation and excitement,
decorating always seems much more fun than un-decorating. I suppose this is a
good time to remind us all that Christmas didn't come in the boxes we brought up
from the basement, nor will it be swept out with the wreaths and trees that will
soon sit on the curb. The coming of the Christ Child isn't a seasonal
celebration. Certain aspects of the story may speak to us at certain times of
the years, but the story is timeless...God coming to dwell among us...in
every season, every day, every hour..
Throughout the Advent season, we shared in wonderful worship and ministry
experiences at Westwood that I believe honored the Lord and helped us share the
joy of Christ with one another and the community around us. The events of the
month were too many to list here, but suffice it to say, we celebrated the birth
of Jesus in many wonderful ways. Now, the celebration continues for the gift of
God continues to bring blessing. Join us this Sunday as we share in a service
of worship and praise. In these days after Christmas, as family may be visiting
from out of town, schedules may be a bit more relaxed, and pressures a bit
eased, our worship this Sunday will be a little less formal. Dress comfortably,
perhaps in that new sweater or pair of jeans you got for Christmas, and come to
share in a service where we will have a favorite carol time in which you will
choose the carols, a community 50 Sundays at Westwood time when the
congregation will share reflections about favorite memories at Westwood, and
special music will be provided as Olga and Cindy continue their keyboard duets,
and a men's quartet will be singing, "The Birthday of a King.". If you
have family or friends visiting, bring them along as together we continue the
So when you are on that ladder taking down outside lights, vacuuming up the
million or so fallen pine needles that have now taken up residence in your
carpet, trying to delicately wrap the strands of tree lights so they won`t be
tangled next year (and they always are!), or finishing the last of the Christmas
cookies, remember, Christmas is not truly over. It goes on and on and on every
day that you remember and celebrate that God has come in human form to be one of
us and to save us from our sin. "For to us a child is born! To us,
a Son is given."
Jim Abernathy