Friday, September 13, 2013

Facing Challenges

I spent an hour in the dentist's chair yesterday afternoon.  I told the dentist I had been looking forward to seeing him all day, but I think he quickly saw through my sarcasm.  Most of us don't look forward to going to the dentist or any of a number of other necessary experiences that are either physically, emotionally, or even socially uncomfortable. We are tempted to avoid these uncomfortable experiences altogether, and yet, to do so is not best for ourselves or others.  Facing these challenges contributes to our physical, emotional, and even spiritual health.  Yes, courage is necessary to sit patiently while the drill is whirring and the dentist is asking you questions that the instruments in your mouth won't let you intelligibly answer.  But in the end, your dental health outweighs your momentary discomfort and good things usually happen as a result.
There are certainly greater challenges than visiting the dentist.  Though we each face these challenges in our own way, the uncomfortable moments of life that come to us all are often doors that must be stepped through to achieve better health, emotional stability, or growing relationships. In a community of faith, at any given time, there are folks around us experiencing these challenges.  Sometimes they are small ones that are unknown to others and quickly overcome.  Sometimes we share in the pain and struggle so that together our strength, encouragement, and prayers empower others to face their challenges.
There are many who make up our weekly prayer list that is found in the Westwood Express, and others in our church and community that you are aware of as well.  You see, together, we walk through these "uncomfortable" moments, loving, encouraging, and listening to each other and most importantly, sharing out faith in the One who loves, encourages, and listens to us all.
Thank you for being a part of our Westwood family!
Jim Abernathy

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