Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Joy of Homecoming

Whether I have been gone five minutes or five hours, the response in always the same...unbridled, absolute enthusiasm.  No, I can't say that Cindy greets me this way when I come in, and no, my son, Clayton doesn't usually leave his chair when I walk in the door.  Max, our Miniature Schnauzer, however, never misses an opportunity to let me know that he is so glad I am home.  Now, lest you think this appreciation is singularly expressed, I would have to confess that Max greets everyone the same way.  I suppose he is convinced, in his very limited world, that everyone has come to see him.  But, after a hard day, or when coming into an empty house, his loud, boisterous welcome lets me know that there is joy in my homecoming.
This weekend we celebrate the joy of homecoming, whether literally as a father comes through the door, or in our remembrances as we reflect on those men whose presence once touched our lives.  Father's Day, at its best, is a recognition that many of us owe a great deal to our fathers whose sacrifice, commitment, and love have blessed our lives.  Though my father died nearly thirteen years ago, his influence is still quite welcome in my memories of him.  His persistent faith and unwavering love were gifts that continue to impact my life.  To remember and give thanks is a fitting tribute on this Father's Day weekend for those of us whose fathers are no longer with us. But for those who still are blessed to welcome a father home at the end of the day or perhaps connect across the miles by phone, Skype, or some other means, take time to share your appreciation and love, and maybe, like Max, your enthusiasm when you make that connection.  That will be a gift you both treasure.
Jim Abernathy

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