The blizzard of 2016 is still
bringing challenges. Our street is now passable but there is one narrow lane
bolstered on either side by three foot drifts that run another eight to ten feet
to the curb. Warmer temperatures are helping thaw the snow and ice by day, but
things are refreezing at night. It will most likely be a few weeks before the
mail person can slide our mail into the box from the safety of her mail truck.
Few of the routines of our lives are unaffected by such powerful
Thanks to the hard work of several within our church family, sidewalks and
parking lots at church are mostly clear. It took several hours, many willing
hands, and some sore backs to get the job done. Working together, we accomplish
many good things. The same is true in our financial giving. When we miss a
Sunday, as we did last week because of the weather, it requires the faithfulness
of all of us to quickly get caught up. There are a number of ways you can do
this. You may use your offering envelope and put last week's offering in the
plate this Sunday; you can go to our church website at and click on
the e-giving tab and make a donation; you can give by using your private bank's
online system to send money directly from your checking account; you can drop a
check in the mail. Now, I know that I am telling many of you what you already
know, but it is good to be reminded of the significant role each of us play in
honoring the Lord through our financial gifts. Thank you for your faithful and
timely contributions to help meet continuing ministry expenses.
It will be good to gather again this Sunday for worship and Bible study.
This is a fifth Sunday which means that we will work together on a mission
project immediately following worship. This Mission 5th will benefit two
special groups. We will assemble nearly 100 bag lunches for The Lamb Center, a
day shelter in Fairfax Circle where many of the men and women who spend evenings
in our hypothermia shelters go during the day for counseling, meals, and to do
laundry and take hot showers. In light of our ongoing commitment to
hypothermia, this is an appropriate mission partner for us to assist. We will
also be filling around 50 special kits for children involved in Leena Lavanya's
ServeTrust ministry in India. I will be taking these kits to the children
personally when I travel there February 11-21. All ages are invited to
participate by going to Whitten Hall immediately after worship. A few minutes
of your time will make a difference in our community and world. Thanks to our
chair of Community Involvement, Kathy Freeman, for helping put this project
Please check the prayer list in this week's Express for prayer concerns.
The promise of spring is ever before us. Remember that as you step around
snow piles, slip on ice-covered sidewalks, and hit the washer fluid and
windshield wipers again and again as you drive down the road. I look forward to
seeing you this Sunday!
Jim Abernathy