Friday, May 27, 2016


How does one gauge the quality of another's sacrifice?  Certainly children in healthy relationships with their parents will come to appreciate the sacrifices their parents make for them, particularly when those children grow to have children of their own.  Friends might talk about the faithfulness of other friends who give of themselves is support of each other, willingly making sacrifices in the name of friendship.  But what of those we will never meet, those men and women whose service to their country secures the freedom we so often taken for granted? How does one evaluate such sacrifice?

Thomas Paine, 18th century writer and American revolutionary, said, "Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it". You and I are fortunate today because many have been willing to undergo the fatigue of supporting the cause of freedom. Memorial Day weekend gives us pause to stop in the busyness of our lives and remember the sacrifices of others, many whose names and stories we will never know.  The inscription on the tomb of the unknown soldier at Arlington Cemetery reads, "Here rests in honored glory an American soldier known only to God." We cannot know the names of so many whose sacrifices are part of the fabric of our nation, but we can, particularly on this weekend, give thanks for those who have given so much. Let us be faithful to honor such sacrifice.

If you have guests visiting on this holiday weekend, bring them with you to worship this Sunday. In the spirit of the holiday weekend, dress more casually for Sunday, perhaps wearing the colors of our nation as we remember the significance of sacrifice and service. Cindy and Olga will be playing duets on piano and organ, Pat and Dina will be sharing special music, you will have an opportunity to express appreciation for the sacrifice and service of others, and I will bring a message entitled, "A Soldier Under Authority," based on Luke 7:1-10. I look forward to seeing you as we gather to honor the Lord this Sunday.


P.S. You may still join us tomorrow at Quantico National Cemetery at 9 a.m. to help clean and prepare the cemetery for Memorial Day events...just one way to honor and give thanks for the sacrifice and service of others.

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