In James Cameron’s epic movie, “Titanic,” the main character, Rose, through whose aging eyes the story is told, sums up what she has experienced with these enigmatic words…"A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets."
The Christmas story, as told by Luke in our text today, concludes with the heart of Mary. Much has happened to her is a relatively short period of time…the angel’s astounding news, Joseph’s gracious acceptance of her circumstance, the trip to Bethlehem, the birth of her child, and finally, the strange cast of characters that come to see her child. What does it all mean?
This day, Christmas day, calls us to ponder once again what the birth of Christ means in our lives. To contemplate the love of God is to be touched, as Paul said in yesterday’s text, by a mystery whose depths are immeasurable. How does one truly understand the gift of God’s love through Jesus Christ?
The New International Reader’s Version of our text says, “But Mary kept all these things like a secret treasure in her heart. She thought about them over and over.” Today, and tomorrow, and throughout the coming year, as you ponder what the gift of Christmas truly means, think about God’s love over and over and over again. You may not fully understand it, but treasure it unlike any other gift you receive this or any Christmas.
Prayer: God of Christmas, whose love is offered through the gift of the Christ child, may we treasure the birth of our Savior and ponder its meaning for our lives, over and over again. Amen.
Thanks for allowing me to share these devotionals with you through the Advent season. May the Christ of Christmas reign in your hearts today and throughout the coming year.
Jim Abernathy