Friday, May 23, 2014

Sacrifice defines sacrifice as "a loss or something you give up, usually for the sake of a better cause."  In the context of what we celebrate this weekend, these words define well the willingness of so many to sacrifice so much.  Memorial Day calls us to remember the men and women who have given their lives in protection of the freedoms we enjoy.  Too often we trivialize these sacrifices by our own abuses of these freedoms. Walking along the white marble markers of Arlington National Cemetery, however, one is overcome by what has been given up for the sake of a better cause. Parades, sales, backyard barbeques all are part of Memorial Day weekend, but in the midst of the busyness of these holiday events, none of them is as significant as pausing to ponder the high cost of freedom and the willingness of brave men and women to willingly give themselves for so great a cause.  Take time this weekend to remember and give thanks for the generous gifts so many have given in service to our nation.
I know we have a number of folks traveling this weekend, but I look forward to seeing you on Sunday as we worship the living Lord!

Jim Abernathy

Friday, May 16, 2014

Seventy-five Years Ago

Seventy-five years ago something happened, half a world away, in two young people's lives that set them on a course to impact many of you who read this today.  May 13, 1939 before a French magistrate, then later in a church ceremony, this young couple, Bernard and Emilie, were married.  Though separated for a time in the early days of the Nazi occupation of France, they were soon reunited in the United States and began their life together here.  Through seventy-five years of marriage they have known great joys and deep sorrows, and through it all, they have professed again and again their trust in God.  If you have sat with Bernie in Sunday School, a Wednesday night seminar, or with the Men on Mission group, you know of his reverence for Holy Scripture and faithful trust in the sovereignty of God.  Some of you have had the privilege of studying scripture with Emilie, playing canasta with her at Greenspring, or receiving her wise counsel and found this relationship to be a treasure indeed.  These are two remarkable people, yes, because they are celebrating this diamond wedding anniversary, but also because of their persistent faith and trust in the One who has walked with them throughout their seventy-five years together. 
We will gather this Sunday to worship the One they have so faithfully served through these many years, and as we do, we will give thanks for Bernard and Emilie Bretz.  God has touched many of our lives through the friendship and ministry we have shared with them, and for that we will give thanks.  Immediately following worship, you are welcome to join others of our church family in Whitten Hall for a brief reception with this wonderful couple. Seventy-five years of marriage is indeed something to celebrate, but even more so, the hand of God at work in and through them that has made such a difference in so many lives.
I look forward to sharing in worship and Bible study with you this Sunday!

Jim Abernathy

Friday, May 9, 2014

Laughter Is a Reward

There are two things I can always count on when I have a phone conversation with my mother.  She will always tell me she loves me and there will always be laughter somewhere in the conversation.  Her gentle spirit and good humor have endeared her to many people over the years, not the least of whom are her family.  Her laughter most often emerges in the context of life events, something funny she tells about herself or something she hears someone else share.  My mother's good humor is a by-product of her positive outlook on life.  She has always been an encourager, one who looks on the bright side, challenging others by word and action to do the same.
Carol Channing, whose Broadway successes were often built around musical comedy, once wrote, "Laughter is much more important than applause. Applause is almost a duty.  Laughter is a reward."  I look forward to calling my mother this Sunday.  Yes, I will be wishing her a happy Mother's Day, letting her know how much she means to me.  But my reward will come in the midst of the conversation as laughter sprinkles love and good humor among the stories we share. 
The U.S. Navy Chamber Band will perform at 3 p.m. tomorrow at Westwood.  We will gather for worship Sunday, hearing special music from our FundaySchool Singers, Preschool Choir, and Youth and Sanctuary Choirs, and testimonies from four generations of our Westwood family who will be expressing gratitude for the blessings they have received from their mothers.
Finally, remember, laughter is a reward.  Share a smile and a laugh with someone today.
Jim Abernathy

Friday, May 2, 2014


Relationships are built amidst the panorama of life events.  In other words, relationships that are meaningful do not just suddenly happen, but are nurtured and grown over a period of time.  Yes, there is that rare love at first sight, but for most of us, relationships that last are built on shared experience and a growing trust in and appreciation for another person. 
This Sunday morning, we will celebrate Stephen Gray's ten year anniversary at Westwood.  Stephen, Randa, and Annie came to us in May of 2004 from Texas.  Allison and Ainsley have come along in the years since and we have grown to love and cherish them all as vital members of our Westwood family. Stephen's initial ministry responsibilities were in the areas of youth and children.  In the fall of 2011, Stephen assumed new duties and a new title, Associate Pastor for Spiritual Development and Administration. Over the years, his faithfulness to his calling and commitment to our church family and the community beyond, have blessed us in many ways.  Randa has been active among us as well, particularly in our ministry with children.  Along with their girls, Stephen and Randa have made and continue to make a difference in our community of faith.  We are indeed blessed to have them among us!
I hope you will join us before Sunday School this Sunday to let Stephen, Randa, and the girls know of your love and appreciation for them.  A reception will begin at 9:15 in the narthex and continue until the beginning of Sunday School.  Arrive a few minutes early, enjoy some delicious snacks, and celebrate with the Grays, ten years of ministry among us.  We will also be recognizing them during the morning worship service, so don't miss this special day of celebration!
I look forward to seeing you this Sunday!
Jim Abernathy