Friday, May 23, 2014

Sacrifice defines sacrifice as "a loss or something you give up, usually for the sake of a better cause."  In the context of what we celebrate this weekend, these words define well the willingness of so many to sacrifice so much.  Memorial Day calls us to remember the men and women who have given their lives in protection of the freedoms we enjoy.  Too often we trivialize these sacrifices by our own abuses of these freedoms. Walking along the white marble markers of Arlington National Cemetery, however, one is overcome by what has been given up for the sake of a better cause. Parades, sales, backyard barbeques all are part of Memorial Day weekend, but in the midst of the busyness of these holiday events, none of them is as significant as pausing to ponder the high cost of freedom and the willingness of brave men and women to willingly give themselves for so great a cause.  Take time this weekend to remember and give thanks for the generous gifts so many have given in service to our nation.
I know we have a number of folks traveling this weekend, but I look forward to seeing you on Sunday as we worship the living Lord!

Jim Abernathy

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