Sunday, March 4, 2012

Lenten Devotional...March 4

"I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness."
(John 12:46)

Even the smallest light transforms a dark space. Most of us never think twice about walking into a dark room and flipping on a switch that fills the room with electric light. Even a match, when struck in the darkness, flashes enough light to reveal a room. Jesus told his followers that he had come into the world to bring light...this was the intentional act of God to bring salvation to a people condemned by their sin. This is illumination that requires decision...does one remain in the shadows and walk in the darkness of sin, or does one place his or her faith in Jesus Christ and choose to then live in the glorious light of Christ? " one who believes in me should stay in darkness," Jesus said. Why would one choose to stumble in the darkness when the source of light is ever available?

To believe in Jesus is to emerge from the darkness to walk freely and humbly in his light. It is an intentional choice not to remain in darkness, but to purposefully choose light. Country legend Hank Williams had a hit song many years ago called, "I Saw the Light." One verse says, "Just like a blind man I wandered alone, Worries and fear I claimed for my own. Then like a blind man who God gave back his sight, Praise the Lord, I saw the light" To follow Christ is to have sight restored...why would anyone want to stay in darkness?

Prayer: Light of the world, shine on me and through me that others may see you and step away from the darkness. Amen.

Jim Abernathy

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