Friday, March 9, 2012

Lenten Devotional...March 9

"With praises from children and from tiny infants, you have built a fortress. It makes your enemies silent, and all who turn against you are left speechless."
(Psalm 8:2)

Can the sights and sound of an infant truly silence enemies? Perhaps if you had seen young Fritz Larson, as I did this afternoon, you might answer, "yes!" Fritz was born this past Tuesday morning, just before 11 a.m., to Becca and Eric Larson. He is a precious reminder of the power and wisdom of the Creator who makes such wonderful gifts in his very image. I love babies and must admit that I stood spellbound by the tiny fingers wrapped around his mother's finger, the gentle motion of his breathing, the softness of his newborn skin, and the absolute peace of the moment as he slept. Of course, had I stuck around long enough, I'm sure that peace would have been challenged a bit by his cries of hunger...but my moments with him were moments of awe and wonder.

I have always believed that children are treasured gifts from God. Their arrival in this world is a testimony to the Creator's handiwork. From their first cries to their first steps, they are offerings of praise that tell the story of God's continuing hand at work in our lives. Jesus recognized and affirmed the value of these treasures when he called a child to himself as he sat among his disciples, and told them that to welcome a child in his name was to welcome him. The innocence and humility of a child softens an angry heart and eases a cynical mind. Jesus said that unless we become like these little ones, we cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.

Perhaps we would do well, on this Lenten walk, to remember the wonder of God's creative hands that fashion such blessings as little Fritz. Ours is the humble place of a child...a child of God, made new in the image of Christ.

Prayer: Gracious God, thank you for creating us in your image. May we, your children, humbly offer praise to you in everything we do.

Jim Abernathy

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