Friday, December 19, 2014

The Gift of Christmas

Blessings on this Friday before Christmas! 
How will you spend these last six days before Christmas?  Many of us will be frantically traveling from store to store or website to website to find that special gift for a friend or family member.  Some will be attending or hosting parties, and record numbers of Americans, according to AAA, will be traveling more than fifty miles to a destination over the holidays...99 million of us!  Makes me weary just thinking about it!
Every year there are calls from people like me to find peace in the midst of the hurry, and purpose in the true meaning of the season.  Those are worthy aspirations in an often harried reality, but actually observing them can be quite a challenge.  Most of us are not going to stop participating in these and other aspects of our Christmas traditions and celebrations, but while all of this busyness is swirling around you, keep in mind that this is a season of joy.  In your shopping, consider the joy of giving.  In your partying, give thanks for good friends and valued coworkers.  In your traveling, yes, even in traffic on 95, consider the hard work of those who maintain the roads or the airplane or train upon which you are traveling and the freedom you have to join those 98,999,999 other people who are traveling with you. Most of all, consider the immeasurable love of the Creator, who into this busy, warring, self-absorbed world, entered our chaos to bring hope, peace, joy, and love through the gift of Christmas, Jesus, the Christ.  Keep that wonderful truth before you in all you do and wherever you go over the next six-plus days.
Sunday morning's worship will feature our annual global missions ingathering as well as special music by our handbell choir.  You will find special global missions offering envelopes in your packet and in the pews and banks for the children are still available in the narthex.  Our Christmas Eve candlelight service will begin at 5 p.m. Wednesday and will also feature wonderful music and storytelling as we gather to celebrate the birth of Jesus. 
I look forward to sharing these special services with you.

Jim Abernathy

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