Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Lenten Devotional...February 24

Matthew 28:1-10
“He is not here; for he has been raised, as he said.”
(Matthew 28:6a)
My friend records sporting events to watch at a later time.  He tries to avoid knowing the outcome before watching these recordings, but he isn’t always successful.  Though some mystery is reduced by knowing who will win, there is still a degree of mystery in watching the game unfold.
Mystery shrouds the tomb of Jesus as two women stand in stunned silence.  The guards have fainted in fear while the women, not knowing what has taken place, stand to witness the angel’s words.  “He is not here; for he has been raised, as he said.”  The words the angel chooses should have a familiar ring.  You see, Jesus told his followers on several occasions that he would be killed and then rise on the third day.  The angelic proclamation simply echoes his words.  The brave women then take the news to Jesus’ followers.
There is still assurance for us today in these three words…“as he said.”  Jesus was true to his word.  Resurrection was, and still is, affirmation of his faithfulness.  Fear still paralyzes and uncertainty often threatens, but those three words in the aftermath of resurrection still give courage to face whatever comes.   
Prayer: Lord, help us on this Lenten journey to remember words of promise and hope...as Jesus said. Amen.

Jim Abernathy

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