Friday, February 6, 2015

Welcoming Others

We have been told to expect more than forty guests next week as we host hypothermia prevention week at Westwood.  Spaces will be lined out in the narthex and in the hallway of the newer educational wing for mats and sleeping bags to fill.  Now, one might think the sanctuary would be a more fitting place for our guests to sleep since some folks find it quite conducive to sleep on Sunday mornings.  Warm meals, a safe place to rest from the cold, and an atmosphere of welcome are gifts we seek to share with our guests in the coming week.  New friends will be made, perhaps greater understanding will be achieved in overcoming barriers that too often separate us, and maybe, just maybe, as we share together, we and our guests will see Christ in one another.  Offering someone shelter in Jesus' name is an ancient tradition of faith.  So too is the blessing of service and acts of hospitality. Together, let us follow in the steps of generations gone before whose open hearts and generous spirits mirrored the words of the One who said, "Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest."  
God is at work all around us.  Let us join together with God in welcoming others in His name. I look forward to seeing you Sunday and throughout next week!

Jim Abernathy

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