Friday, February 13, 2015

Welcoming All in Jesus' Name

One of the blessings of Hypothermia Week at Westwood is the interaction between guests and volunteers.  As our guests check in each night they are welcomed, fed, and encouraged by folks who have chosen to give of themselves in service to others.  Some might argue that this small act of hospitality does little to change the plight of folks whose struggle each day most of us cannot begin to understand.   Perhaps on a larger scale, there is truth in that argument.  Opening our facility to house the homeless one week out of the year is not a heroic act on our part, nor does this week fully define our efforts to reach out to our community with the love of Christ.  There are, however, in these brief moments in time, encounters that touch and shape the lives of guests and volunteers alike.  To share a meal and conversation with someone whose life circumstances and perspectives are different than your own could easily seem to reinforce differences.  But often, it has just the opposite effect, for the more you share…the more you listen, the more you recognize what you have in common.  The need for community, love, respect, and basic human dignity should not be limited by human condition.  Taking time to acknowledge this truth by intentional interaction, particularly in the context of Christ-like love and service, even for a moment, does make a difference: the hungry are fed, the homeless find shelter, and isolation finds community.   And those who serve…they find Christ in the face, voice, and story of one thought different, who is actually yet another child of God.  I am grateful for the privilege of such a reminder and compelled by these experiences and the call of Christ to more intentionally welcome all in Jesus’ name, every single day.
Andre Towner is preaching Sunday and I know you will be blessed to hear him.  A report from Hypothermia Week will be shared, including a word from Pastor Rafael Santamaria.  Please be aware that with the brutal temperatures and wind chills forecasted for Sunday morning, our hypothermia guests may stay with us for part of the day before moving on to their next church.  Welcome them warmly and share the love of Christ with them.

Jim Abernathy  

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