Colossians 3:1-4
One of the truly powerful moments of baptism is the symbolism
that accompanies the candidate coming up from beneath the water. In going under
the baptismal waters he or she is burying his or her sin, dying to the old
self. Then, as the candidate comes out of the water, he or she is being raised
to new life, sharing in the resurrection of Christ. Paul speaks of this new
life when he writes in today's text, "So if you have been raised with
Christ, seek the things that are above....for you have died, and your life is
hidden with Christ in God." My friends, this is the good news of Easter.
Christ has taken our sins upon himself and they have been buried with him. As
he has risen to new life, so too we rise to be like Christ, to seek the
things that are above.
We so often think of resurrection as our hope for that moment
some day when we breathe our last breath, but resurrection is more than eternal is empowerment for daily living here and now. Through Christ, you
have been raised to glorious, new life. So, today, seek the things that are
above. That is the joy and hope of resurrection for this and every day!
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!
Prayer: Help us, Lord, to rise anew and live victoriously.
Because Christ lives, we too shall live! Amen.
Jim Abernathy