Friday, March 29, 2013

Lenten Devotional...Good Friday

John 18:1-19:42

What must it be like to be completely betrayed? For Jesus, betrayal had a name…actually, many names. Judas bears the burden of Jesus’ betrayal, but he didn’t act alone. Yes, he brought the soldiers to the garden, but when the rough hands of the temple guards bound Jesus and took him to Caiaphas, the other disciples joined this betrayal as they ran in fear. Peter followed at a distance, but his betrayal was compounded as he denied knowing this man he had earlier promised to die for. Condemned by the religious leaders whose heritage he shared, and reluctantly sent to the cross by a Roman governor, Jesus is thrust into the street, forced to carry his cross while the crowd who hailed him as king days before, now celebrates his condemnation. On the cross, there seems a final betrayal as God turns away. The work of betrayal is complete. “It is finished,” Jesus cries.
Yes, betrayal had many names; many more than the story reveals. Anyone else you recognize?
Prayer: Forgiveness is a gift of the cross, Lord. As one of your betrayers, I humbly ask for that gift, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Jim Abernathy

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