Friday, March 1, 2013

Lenten Devotional...March 1

Exodus 16:9-21
The story is told that President Theodore Roosevelt was engaged in a serious discussion in the White House one afternoon.  The integrity of the conversation was violated as the President's daughter, Alice, ran in and out of the room again and again.  Oblivious to the importance of her father's meeting, she failed to hear the man say to the President, "Sir, isn't there anything you can do to control your daughter."  With certain resignation, the Commander in Chief replied, "Well, I can do one of two things; I can be President of the United States or I can control Alice, but I can't do both."
I wonder if Moses felt this way sometimes.  It was difficult enough to discern and follow the revelation of God without also having to keep the "out of control" desert wanderers in line.  In our text today, God had heard the complaint of the people and responded by providing meat (quail) and a wonderful bread the people called manna.  Moses outlined simple instructions for how they were to respond to these gifts from God, but the text says, "But they did not listen to Moses..."  I suppose most parents can relate to this incident, for how many times have parents given specific instruction to children, only to realize that their children weren't listening either.
Sometimes, the word of the Lord is near, offering strength, sustenance, and direction, but we, like disobedient children, simply aren't listening. Jesus often challenged those around him with these words; "Let anyone with ears to hear, listen." Are you listening?
Prayer: Help us dear Lord, to listen for your voice, and to obey. Amen.
Jim Abernathy

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