Friday, March 21, 2014

Lenten Devotional...March 21

“If the world hates you, be aware that it hated me before it hated you.”
(John 15:18)
Sally Field won the academy award in 1984 for her portrayal of Edna Spalding, a widow fighting to save her family farm, in the acclaimed motion picture, “Places in the Heart.”  This was her second Oscar and she acknowledged that winning was sweeter the second time around.  “The first time I didn't feel it,” she said, “but this time I feel it, and I can't deny the fact that you like me, right now, you like me!”
Most of us want to be liked.  We want to know that others respect and appreciate us.  That is a common human trait.   Jesus knew, however, that being true to his heavenly Father was much more important than being liked by the world around him.  In fact, he knew that being obedient to God would bring out the worst in some people and that was proven again and again. 
We should not be surprised that following Jesus makes friends and enemies. The cross is a popular piece of jewelry, but not so popular a way of life.  If any want to become my followers,” Jesus said, “let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.”   There will be few earthly rewards in such a pursuit, but the blessings from heaven will indeed make it worthwhile.
Prayer: Grant me the strength, dear Lord, to seek faithfulness more than popularity, obedience instead of acceptance. May the cross of Christ guide my every step. Amen.

Jim Abernathy 

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