Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Advent Devotional, December 15

Isaiah 55
"Just as the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts higher than your thoughts."
                                                     (Isaiah 55:9)
I asked one of our preschoolers what she told Santa she wanted for Christmas just after she jumped down from his knee last week at our Church Family Night Christmas celebration.  With a smile on her face, she said, "I told him he could bring me whatever he wanted to."  That, my friends, is one of the best examples of trust you will ever find.  I'm sure that if pressed, she could have come up with specifics to give the jolly old elf some guidance, but from her perspective, it simply wasn't necessary.  He knew best what she needed and she would simply trust him with the results!
The prophet gives us a glimpse of kingdom living today in our text.  It isn't something you can buy your way into, nor is it something you can earn or demand.  It is a free gift from God that is truly all you need.  We are reminded here that the thoughts and ways of God are greater than our own, and as a result, we find that God can be trusted.  Our "wish lists," aren't really necessary. What is necessary, however, is that we trust God and discover that which he desires to bring to our lives.
Prayer: Help me Lord, in my need, to trust in you.  Amen.
Jim Abernathy

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