A blessed Friday before Christmas to you! Here's a few things to note for the weekend. 1) The annual Springfield Gardens Christmas party is tomorrow(Saturday) at First Baptist, Springfield. You can still volunteer to help or bring a dessert. 2) Sunday's worship will feature several wonderful expressions of the season. We will observe our Global Missions Ingathering. We will see a brief video highlighting CBF literacy missions and have an opportunity to bring our mission offerings forward to place on the communion table. Mission banks have been available for children over the last several weeks and may still be picked up in the narthex this Sunday. GMO envelopes are in your packet of envelopes or in pews. The handbell ringers will be sharing special music and our preschoolers will be singing as well.
Invite someone to join you for our Christmas Eve Candlelight service
at 5 pm. We will focus on five very special characters of the Christmas story, sing and share in the wonderful music of the season, and close our service with lighted candles as we sing "Silent Night." I hope you will join us for this very special service.
Finally, your Advent Tree gifts were delivered earlier in the week to the delight of several Springfield Gardens families. 50 large bags were delivered for 31 families, including 66 children. Oh, and one final, final note, over $1,300 was raised for summer missions during the youth desert auction last Sunday. Your generosity continues to make such difference. Glory to God!
Jim Abernathy
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