Monday, February 29, 2016

Lenten Devotional...February 29

Mark 5:21-34

“Then the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth.”
(Mark 5:33)

It has been said that confession is good for the soul.  The unburdening of something carried too long opens the door to freedom.  Mark tells the story today of a woman who had been bleeding for a dozen years.  Her condition would have made it impossible to go to worship, entertain friends, or even go out in a crowd. Yet, she ventured out to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment in hopes that her nightmare might end.

Knowing that power had gone out from him, Jesus turned and asked who touched him.  Reluctantly, the woman fell at his feet and told him the whole truth.  Perhaps she shared the heartbreak of isolation her disease had caused.  Perhaps she confessed her anger toward God for what she thought was God’s act in cursing her.  Whatever she told Jesus, she surely was transformed when she stood to her feet.

“Go in peace,” Jesus told her, “and be freed from your suffering.”  She had spoken and experienced truth, and the truth had made her free.

Prayer:  Hear my prayer of confession, Lord, the whole truth.  May I rise and be freed. Amen.

Jim Abernathy

Friday, February 26, 2016

Lenten Devotional...February 26

Micah 7:18

“Who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity and passing over the transgression of the remnant of your possession? He does not retain his anger forever, because he delights in showing clemency.”

Micah finds God’s mercy incomparable. Though deserving judgement he finds pardon.  Expecting anger, he finds clemency.  The surprising grace of God…destruction deserved, yet, pardon offered.

Are you ever surprised by the grace of God? The Apostle Paul framed his wonder with the following words; “God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us.”  Like Micah, we would do well to ask, “Who is a God like you?”

Prayer: God, there is none like you.  For your pardon, the surprise of your love in the midst of our sin, we give thanks. Amen.

Jim Abernathy

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Lenten Devotional...February 25

I Peter 5:6-11

“Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.”
(I Peter 5:6-7)

We don’t often think of anxiety and pride going hand in hand but they may be two sides of the same coin. Anxiety can be attributed to our lack of control in certain situations.  We want to be able to fix what is broken, preempt a hardship on the horizon, soothe the troubled heart of a friend or loved one…but we cannot always do this.  Pride tells us we should be able to do so, to prevent these broken dreams and hearts by our own power and strength.

Peter, known to be a man of pride and anxiety, seems to be learning a better way in today’s text.  His call to humility and trust offer a better platform from which to face these life-altering challenges.  Humble yourselves…cast all your anxiety on God…because God cares for you.

There is no room for anxiety and pride on the journey to the cross. Humility and trust, however, strengthen and steady the steps.

Prayer: Forgive my pride and anxiety, Lord, and help me walk with you to the cross. Amen.

Jim Abernathy

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Lenten Devotional...February 24

John 8:31-36

“So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.”
(John 8:36) 

We are bound by many things, not the least of which are the wrong choices and actions that mark our lives, which Jesus called sin.  When he spoke of freedom in our text, those of the house of Israel claimed their heritage as descendants of Abraham.  While Jesus shared their heritage, he offered a greater connection that brought eternal hope. He spoke of sin in the context of slavery, but relationship with him as liberty. 

The question is, why would we choose slavery over freedom?  We must answer that question every day.

Prayer:   Help me Lord Jesus, to lay aside the chains of sin and slavery, and walk anew in the freedom of your love. Amen.

Jim Abernathy

Early, Early Edition

My body is still recovering from the 10.5 hour time difference from India and I am finding myself wide awake at strange hours of the night.  As I write this note it is 2:40 a.m. and I have been up for an hour.  Cindy has told me one can be productive in the wee hours of the morning, but I am not sure I have ever believed her.  You may be the judge of whether or not this is true if you can make sense out of these words I am writing.

Hypothermia week at Westwood is going well.  Our volunteers have welcomed our guest's warmly each night, fed them well, given them a warm place to sleep, and are providing for a number of their needs along the way.  Each year, we recognize and welcome back guests we have known before, while making new friends as well.  Relationships are built that allow us a window into the challenges these friends face.  We cannot fully know their hearts nor understand all that has and is continuing to happen to them, but in welcoming them, we are honoring the call of Christ to welcome him as we welcome them.  Thanks to our marvelous leadership team of Ed Armstrong, Martha Lee Fugate, Lucinda Marvin, and Sandy Milam, and many others from our faith community and surrounding faith communities who are working to provide for this special ministry this week. Please note there is no Church Family Night this evening due to our hypothermia ministry. Sanctuary choir will meet. CFN will resume next week.

The finance committee met last night to finalize the 2016-2017 church budget. They have faithfully worked through this process and believe they are presenting a responsible, yet challenging budget for the coming year.  You will receive a letter in the next few weeks that will contain the proposed budget and details pertaining to it.  The quarterly church conference which will include this budget presentation will be held Sunday evening, March 13 at 7 p.m. in the music suite.  Plan to be present for this important step in our continuing ministry.

Mama Mias is just around the corner, March 5, at 6 p.m.  This annual dinner and show benefit youth missions and your participation is vital to its success.  This  Sunday will be the last Sunday to purchase tickets before the event, so stop by the welcome center in the narthex to get yours.  Invite a friend to join you and enjoy the good food, warm fellowship, and fun of this special evening.

By the way, I will be sharing in more detail my India experiences at Church Family Night on Wednesday, March 30 at 6:15 p.m.  I will share some pictures and be telling some of the stories from this life-changing trip.  I hope you will plan to join me then.

Well, AOL and I have proofed this copy and it seems to be spelled correctly and generally make sense.  I guess one can be productive at such ungodly hours...come to think of it, God can empower our thoughts and words and actions for any and all of our hours.  I am just hoping the productivity of sleep returns to these hours before long.  Until then, I'll just enjoy the solitude and opportunity for growth the early morning provides.  Cindy will be so proud of me...once she wakes up!

Jim Abernathy

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Lenten Devotional...February 23

Psalm 62:2-3a

“From the end of the earth I call to you,
When my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock
That is higher than I; for you are my refuge…”

There are a number of beautiful lighthouses on the eastern seaboard.  I have climbed to the top of a few in Maine and North Carolina.  They have been prominently placed along the shoreline to give warning and guidance to ships in distress, often in inclement weather. 

The Psalmist reminds us today that in life’s storms, when the heart is faint, there is a rock higher than ourselves that becomes refuge and help.  These words are echoed in Psalm 46 as the writer says, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in time of trouble, therefore we will not fear.”  Your steps today may be uncertain, the winds of disappointment and change may buffet, but cling to the rock that is higher than you for there you will find refuge.

Prayer: Eternal God, Rock of Ages, guide me safely to find refuge in you today. Amen.

Jim Abernathy

Monday, February 22, 2016

Lenten Devotional...February 22

John 6:48-51

“I am the bread of life.”
(John 6:48)

As I write this devotional, someone has just brought me a sandwich. Physical nourishment empowers mental productivity, though I’m not sure fast food is the best writing fuel!  (I’m convinced it’s chocolate pie!)

Today’s text is ultimately disturbing to many who followed Jesus.  In speaking of himself as the bread of life, he called those who would follow to be filled with him, embracing his sacrifice as life-giving nourishment.  He offered them a glimpse of the cost of discipleship that some were unwilling to embrace.  Verse 66 says many turned away and deserted him.

The elements of communion remind us of sacrifice and nourishment.  The body and blood of Christ were broken and spilled as an offering of salvation.  His sacrifice became our eternal nourishment and hope, thus we embrace the bread of life in remembrance of God’s great love. 

Prayer: Living Bread, fill and nourish my soul that I may continue to walk in your way. Amen.

Jim Abernathy

Saturday, February 20, 2016

India Trip, Day 10

Today's report is short for this is a travel day. We began in Narasaropet at 9 this morning, traveling by bus to Vijayawada where we caught an Air India flight to Hyderabad. As I write, we are awaiting our boarding call for the next leg to Dubai, arriving there before midnight, then the final leg from Dubai to Dulles, arriving at 8:15 Sunday morning. A long day of flight, layover, then flight again!!! Will be good to step into Northern Virginia soil tomorrow morning. Pray for safe travel and for the report I will share with you tomorrow morning. I hope to see you then. Pray also for our hypothermia ministry which begins tomorrow night.

God is good and has given us wonderful opportunities to share the love of Christ. See you tomorrow!!!

Jim Abernathy

Friday, February 19, 2016

India Trip, Day 9

Today concludes our ministry time here in India. Tomorrow we begin the long journey home.  This last day found our team in multiple villages visiting churches founded by ServeTrust. At the first stop we saw a recently finished church building and parsonage.  As members of the church and village came into the building, one lady began screaming and writhing on the floor.  Most of our team was unacquainted with such behavior, rarely seeing anything like this at home. The fear of and belief in evil spirits is pervasive in these small villages. We have seen children whose faces bear black marks to make them unattractive to such evil spirits. This woman feared our presence and believed we were bringing fire down upon her. She was finally calmed and we had prayer with her. The experience made for an interesting discussion on the bus about the theological implications of evil spirits in the modern world.  

At the next stop we walked through the village, meeting and praying for people along the way. I was invited to come and bless two new brahma bulls one man had just purchased. Leena feared the bulls might be frightened if I got too close, so with arms outstretched, at a relatively safe distance, I asked God's blessings on these two very large, very white bulls. I'm not sure, but I think one of the bulls winked at me in appreciation!

The final stop was to another new church whose pastor and wife welcomed us warmly with their two adorable children. We shared prayer in their church building, then went to their parsonage directly behind the church to bless that structure. Our bus driver did some creative maneuvers to get us out of the village in the midst of a repaving effort. I'll share more about the driving in India some day after I receive proper counseling to deal with the nightmares I know I will have for months, perhaps years to come!!!

We had a delightful treat in the afternoon as we stopped by Leena's parents home for dinner. Rice, chicken curry, yogurt, and another chicken dish, as well as a sweet noodle dish and strawberry ice cream were well received by our weary and hungry team. We also had a special drink that is at times hard to find here...chilled Diet Coke! Leena's family is delightful and were such gracious hosts. I was given the privilege of offering a blessing for them before we left and I was honored to do so.

After a brief hotel stop, we left for the dedication of a new church building in a community about thirty minutes away. Leena wanted to stop in a small village to check in and people kept coming to the bus for prayer. Forty minutes later we were on our way to the dedication service. Singing had already begun when we arrived and over the next 90 minutes, different folks from the audience stood to sing while the crowd slowly gathered. Eventually every chair outside the building was full and children were sitting on the ground. Our team leader, Tony Cupit, was allowed to cut the ribbon across the door, and with a snip of his scissors we all walked in. There was a brief sermon followed by a solo. As the service concluded, people approached us to pray for them individually. We complied and dedicated a people in prayer as well as a building.

Tomorrow morning we leave for Vijayawada for a flight to Hyderabad, then a connection to Dubai and then a final flight home. If all goes well, I will see you in worship Sunday morning to share a glimpse of my experience on this trip. Please pray for safe travel and the continuing work of ServeTrust.

Jim Abernathy

Lenten Devotional...February 19

1 Corinthians 3:16-23

“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.”
(1 Corinthians 3:19)

Paul often confronted his past. He admitted his wrong and claimed the mercy and forgiveness of the One whose followers he so furiously persecuted. From the Damascus road to the welcoming tutelage and friendship of Barnabas to the continuing hand of God at work within him, he became a bold voice for the way of Jesus. In doing so, he confronted the foolishness of the world he left behind.

The Lenten path is not easily traveled, for the cross and its claims are not easily borne. Sacrifice, service, and humility are not qualities of character the world around us often celebrates. But Jesus called those who would follow to take up their cross and daily follow him. To the world it is foolishness. To God, it is way, truth, and life.

Prayer: Help me walk in the way of the cross, today, Lord, even though others think me foolish. Amen.

Jim Abernathy

Thursday, February 18, 2016

India Trip, Day 8

This morning ServeTrust held a pastor's school for the continuing education of the pastors who work alongside Leena Lavanya. I was privileged to speak on the subject of the pastor caring for his/her family. Tony Cupit, leader of our team, spoke about caring for the dying, and Nick Tuohy, a new friend who is an Australian pastor, spoke about suffering with Christ. Leena was the interpreter and as always, that made the process a bit more interesting and entertaining. When the training was complete, we shared communion and I helped serve the pastors and their spouses. Then, as per their tradition, the ministers and spouses were anointed with oil and offered a blessing. It was a moving and powerful moment affirming that the body of Christ is not bound by geography, language, or culture. The words of the great hymn are true, "In Christ there is no east or west, in him no north or south, but one great fellowship of love throughout the whole wide earth."

Another day of blessing, and yet another affirmation of why we support this vital ministry.  

I have been a bit under the weather today, so please keep praying. Your prayers mean more than you know. 

Jim Abernathy

Lenten Devotional...February 18

Psalm 19

“The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul;
More to be desired than gold, even much fine gold;
sweeter also than honey, and drippings of the honeycomb.”
(Psalm 19:7a, 10)

What do you truly value? We are asked this in different ways every day.  The pressure to conform to the values that confront us is pervasive, but the Psalmist calls us back to that which holds greatest value. Here, the law represents the relationship one has with Almighty God, a relationship built on faith, trust, and obedience.  Jesus offers us the greatest understanding of this law, not in a particular code, but in the pathway of love, grace, and mercy. That is to be desired more than wealth and position, even more than the sweet taste of any earthly treasure.

Prayer: Revive my soul, Lord, through the presence of your Spirit. Amen.

Jim Abernathy

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

India Trip, Day 7

Is there a chiropractor in the house??? The bumpy roads of India prompt the question. We drove 3.5 hours this morning over the bumpiest roads I believe I have ever traveled. I chose today to sit with the troublemakers in the back of the bus and found myself sitting over the rear axle, which by the way must be spring-loaded. We finally arrived a small church Leena started not long ago. These are very poor people whose limited income comes through picking out scraps from the trash heap to sell. ServeTrust provided rice, lentils, and vitamins for the children which we helped distribute.   The schedule for the week has been jam packed, usually rolling by 7:30 am and ending around 11 pm. Meals are optional in Leena's plan. There is just too much work to do!!!  We did, however decide to stop in a small village at a restaurant Leena thought safe for us to eat in. Bottled water...with sealed tops ( seems some like to reuse these bottles from time to time) is the only safe drinking water and food in the countryside cannot be trusted. Leena ordered what she thought to be safe for us and it was very good. As of 10:40 local time the team seems pretty healthy. Funny thing happened though when the brought our cokes to drink. They were already opened which seemed at first glance the hospitable thing to have done. Leena stopped us before a drink was taken; it seems a fairly common practice in the countryside to reuse the bottles. I suppose that's one way to recycle. One of our experienced world travelers said he noticed no carbonation, something I'll be looking for the rest of the trip.  

Surviving lunch, we headed to another of Leena's more recent ministries, near the edge of the forest.  It was not safe for us to go into the forest, so ServeTrust arranged for these folks to be bussed to a location close by.  We helped distribute soap and shampoo, rice and lentils to the children. These children were noticeably different from others we have seen. Their appearance was much more disheveled, and they sat expressionless for the most part. They have a very hard and dangerous existence and that burden seemed evident on their faces. They brightened considerably, however, when they were presented shoes. These wonderful gifts were adjustable, sandal-type shoes made specially to adjust as the children's feet grow.   One of our team members was moved to tears afterward speaking of the transformation in the children and the privilege he had to participate in it. They posed joyfully afterward, lifting their feet to the camera for pictures.

We then stopped on the way to another church to pray for the wife of one of Leena's pastors who has begun chemotherapy treatments. It was a moving moment of pastoral care as we prayed for her. A simple, directed moment of prayer, however, became a revival of sorts as people from the village heard we had come and surrounded our bus asking for prayer... Perhaps a glimpse of what happened to Jesus whenever he entered a village and was discovered by the people.

From there we traveled up a steep, cavernous (not too dramatic a term) road to a small village where we worshipped with the tribespeople. Their warmth and humble welcome was amazing. As we shared in prayer with them, they brought a man forward who told of being bitten by a cobra 4 days before. He showed the wound to his foot. The people had brought him to the church immediately and prayed through the night for him, and miraculously, he stood before us. 

The return to the hotel around 11 pm found weary but blessed travelers. What will tomorrow bring?

Jim Abernathy

Lenten Devotional...February 17

Mark 1:35-39

“In the morning, while it was still very dark, he got up and went out to a deserted place, and there he prayed.”
(Mark 1:35)

“Rise and shine,” my mother cheerily sang as she turned on the light and opened the shades. I can’t say I always appreciated her wakeup call. Her true purpose was to invite me again to confront a world I would rather have ignored for a few more hours. The darkness of cold winter mornings still don’t entice, though Cindy’s attempts to reform me continue.

Jesus embraced the darkness, not as an escape, but a means of preparation. He rises early in Mark’s narrative to spend time in prayer. We are often called to emulate his actions, as if righteousness is best served in the wee hours of the morning. However, even in the early morning darkness, his quiet moments were interrupted as his disciples called him back to the demands of the day.

Rising early, pausing in the middle of the day, spending quiet moments in the evening…there is no magic in the clock. The message of the text isn’t the hour, but the commitment to the task. The Lenten journey calls us to these quiet moments.

Prayer: Creator God, who marks time with your own hands, please help me make time for you this day. Amen.

Jim Abernathy

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

India Trip, Day 6


The day began with a trip to a children's hospital where ServeTrust assists with HIV/AIDS. Though ServeTrust already has its own structure and ministry to house and care for HIV/AIDS children and orphans, this additional partnership allows Leena another outpost for ministry and evangelism. Though the HIV/AIDS virus has been declining in certain areas of India recently, there are still 3,000-5,000 cases in the the district we visited today. Government officials were there as were members of the media. My picture was taken and I was briefly interviewed by a local reporter.

We headed off from there to one of Leena's early ministries, The School of Joy. This school is in a terribly impoverished area, providing opportunities for children who would not be able to attend school otherwise. Several of the former students have become teachers in the school. From there we traveled a short way to the computer and sewing centre where students have opportunity to find meaningful training and  work. Some of the women here are seeking to escape the sex trade and ServeTrust provides an avenue to do so. It is truly amazing the good and varied works that Leena envisions and carries out!

After four pm we began the hour and a half drive to a hilly region where Leena has planted three new churches. The first was in a small village where I preached. We then walked door to door, blessing new houses and praying for sick folks. These prayers were interrupted by a goat stampede through the village streets. It was really more like a parade. Speaking of goats and roads, multiple times today we waited for herds of water buffalo, Brahma Bulls, and wild dogs to clear the road, sometimes one lane roads! Good thing our bus has a reverse gear!!!

The next village was a short distance but they were an excited group. As with most of these events, we start slow with just a few children, but before long the little back building was full of children and adults. We were asked to pray for the villagers individually so we walked among the crowd, laid hands on them and prayed. We were so warmly received it was difficult to get out the door when the time came to leave. We immediately drove a few miles to a very small church, meeting in the front of one of the houses. The trick here was that the bus couldn't get through so we walked down a dark path with multiple smartphone lights illuminating the darkness. You may remember that "cobra thing" I mentioned last night.  It's a real concern in darkness...Come to think of it, it would concern me anytime! We did make it safely back to the bus for the two-hour bumpy ride home. 

As we walked among the goats and cows in the village streets today,  I couldn't help but think that in many parts of the  developing world, things aren't that much different than they were in biblical times. Gave me great appreciation for the privilege of sharing in this ServeTrust mission that reaches across time, over oceans, and ultimately changes hearts. Wonder what tomorrow will bring??

Keep praying!


Lenten Devotional...February 16

Psalm 48:9-14

“We ponder your steadfast love, O God, in the midst of your temple.”
(Psalm 48:9)

Lent is a season of reflection, a time of intentional contemplation.  Lent challenges us to reorder our priorities, not as simple seasonal sacrifices like giving up soda, or chocolate, or television for a few weeks, but truly pondering the way of Jesus and bringing our lives into line with his.

The Psalmist ponders the steadfast love of God in today’s text.  To ponder, according to, is to “consider something deeply and thoroughly.”  Perhaps a meaningful Lenten exercise for us today is to find a quiet place and consider deeply and thoroughly the unmatched love of God. The “temple” the Psalmist mentions can be anywhere you are for God will meet you there.

Prayer: God of love, I welcome your presence and ponder anew the wonder of your love. Amen.

Jim Abernathy

Monday, February 15, 2016

India Trip, Day 5


Just another day...for Leena! After leaving Narasaropet at 7:30, we traveled about 5 miles to a roadside church. Literally steps from the highway stood this thatched structure with a dirt floor, and a tiny table inside with a picture of Jesus on it. 10 children with beautiful smiles awaited us inside the little hut, and there, we had church. We gave these children toothbrushes and toothpaste, but they gave us more...laughter and smiles that made the 8300 mile trip worthwhile. From there we went to a small village with a Massive tree in the center. Village may be too strong a term to use here, for there were just a few families again in thatched huts, but lots of children. They sang to us and we sang to them. A bible story was told and then I gave the children small wooden cars that Deborah Collier had given me last week from a ministry she was aware of called Toys for God's Kids. 41 small cars were quickly is the hands of 41 happy children!

We next traveled to the Rock Crushers School and sat with the children in their classroom built and staffed by ServeTrust. The children performed some of their music and memorization for us, then I gave them the kits we put together for our 5th Sunday mission project. No child could have been happier not more appreciative than these precious children. They thanked me again and again and I told them that you had put these together with love for them! Thank you Westwood!

We then went to the ServeTrust compound where there are ministries and healthcare facilities for children and adults with HIV/AIDS, TB, Leprosy, and a home for senior adults. We were greeted on both sides of the drive by residents of the facility who waved, put golden necklaces on us, and showered us with flower petals as we walked into the building. I was moved by the children who sat before me who have this terrible disease, several of whom were orphans who lost their parents to the disease. We prayed over them, toured the facilities, and talked with the patients for several hours. Leena made arrangements for us to have food delivered to us there and we ate it on the bus...chicken curry with rice. It was a late lunch at 4 pm, but much appreciated.

From there we drove to two remote villages where we sang, preached, and prayed, going door to door in one village to pray and share with people. They flocked out into the streets, even Muslims and Hindus to request prayer, so individually and also as a group we prayed for them. In this village, some of the leaders weren't too happy about our visit and made it a bit more difficult to drive, so we had to walk. I must say I am still getting used to walking past large bulls, cows, and goats just sauntering or sitting in the middle of the road. Leena told us there were no tigers in this area, but there were lots of King Cobras, so watching your step on these narrow roads was to be taken literally!

The evening ended with a brief youth service in Narasaropet. We were late getting there because of demands for prayer in the villages, but time in this environment isn't regarded as sacred like it is in Northern Virginia. One funny moment came when our team stood to sing "Great is Thy Faithfulness." We were singing unaccompanied until a few measures in when the keyboardist and drummer there for the rally decided to join us. The beat of the drum and the sitar-like sound of the keyboard was a sound and tone we westerners had trouble catching on to. Both groups kept going on their somewhat parallel tracks, but I would guess it was one of the most original renderings those young ears had ever heard.

Tomorrow will be more of the same...village after village and blessing after blessing. Pray that God will continue to guide our steps. Leena told us not to worry about the Cobras. She had already talked to God and knew he would keep us safe. I'll be walking a little closer to her tomorrow!

Keep praying!

Jim Abernathy

Lenten Devotional...February 15

Hebrews 2:10-18

“Because he himself was tested by what he suffered, he is able to help those who are being tested.”
(Hebrews 2:18)

It is not uncommon in the struggles of life to seek out those who have had similar experiences.  To know someone has been through something akin to our own experience is to recognize we are not alone in our struggle. 

Our text tells us today that the Christ became one of us. This is the good news of incarnation; God with us, but not only God with us, God becoming one of us, knowing our hurts and struggles.  He knows our temptations because He was tempted.   But there is even better news here than simple empathy…He overcame!  From the wilderness temptations, to the constant challenges throughout his ministry, to Gethsemane’s garden, to the cross, He ultimately overcame.  And so, as Paul reminds us in Romans 8:37, “we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”

Live in that assurance, whatever you face today.

Prayer: Incarnate One, who knows me heart and has walked in my place, help me in trial or temptation today to overcome. Through Jesus, the Christ, I pray. Amen.

Jim Abernathy

Sunday, February 14, 2016

India Trip, Day 4

A blessed Sunday from Vijayawada! Our day started in Segunderabad as we worshipped at the Lalagudda Baptist Church. Well, actually it stated with our hired bus driver arriving 45 minutes late, then getting lost on the way to the church. We polled a variety of local residents walking along the road who kept pointing us to the Catholic Church. One team member got a GPS reading and was finally able to direct us to the church, an hour and a half late. We were, however,  in time for the second service, spending time with the pastor and his family between services.  We shared special music and our team leader, Tony Cupit, preached. The people were wonderfully gracious before sending us on our way to the Hyperabad airport, each with a small bouquet of roses.  The adventure there centered around the extra weight in the bag I am carrying with the ServeTrust kits Westwood prepared on our fifth Sunday mission project a few weeks ago. I had to get out of line, go across the concourse, and try to negotiate with two airline agents who spoke little English and were obviously enjoying my plight as they calculated rupees by the second. We finally came to an agreement of their choosing and I handed over my credit card with the promise that any future grandchildren would be forwarded to them!!! The flight to V was a mere 30 minutes and Leena her nephews and cousins met us there with a bus. We hit the ground running and went to the housing development where the families displaced by the terrible fire under the train tracks a few weeks ago are housed. As we pulled in children came from everywhere, Leena's after school program. They sang and danced for us; we sang but didn't dance for them. Then an amazing prayer meeting broke out as the children one by one stepped up to the team and invited us to lay hands on their heads and pray for them. Individuals, siblings, moms and dads waited patiently for each blessing and we as a team were overwhelmed with the opportunity.  The Spirit of the Lord was present in a moment none of us will ever forget. From there we drove back through town for diner, and are now heading to our motel, about two hours drive. Should arrive about midnight and Leena has already scheduled our 7 am breakfast  and 7:30 departure from motel for tomorrow's adventure.

Weary but blessed. Looking forward to tomorrow's surprises!

Jim Abernathy

Saturday, February 13, 2016

India Trip, Day 3


While you are struggling with bitter cold in Northern Virginia, we are enjoying 95 degrees and sunshine here in Hyderabad. After breakfast this morning we drove into the city. I must say I caught up on my prayer life on the way in! To say they have an interesting traffic pattern would be to assume there is some pattern to it. The narrow streets, motorcycles and mopeds weaving in and out of busses and cars, pedestrians everywhere, and the occasional cow or goat wandering amongst them makes the beltway at rush hour seem like a quiet side street. (It would seem to me that the most important accessory on a moving vehicle here is the horn!) I understand Vejayawada, where we go tomorrow, is even more "exciting." I'll start praying tonight.

We visited a 16th century monument and mosque in the middle of the city. There was a three story spiral staircase leading to the top of the monument with a breathtaking view of the city. It was breathtaking, not in the sense of its fascinating architecture or the beauty of the city's natural environment, but because of the sheer volume of people in the streets below. In every direction, for as far as you could see, the city streets were teeming with people selling, buying, walking, riding (sometimes four to a motorcycle)...a mass of humanity like I have never seen! With every step we were solicited with everything from sunglasses to scarves, socks to pomegranates, to one gentlemen who scolded me for a block for not taking home to my wife the pearl necklace he dangled from his hand. (Sorry Cindy, I resisted!)

We had a two hour orientation this afternoon and made plans for our work together this week. Our team consists of two Australians, three North Carolinians, one Texan, and four Northern Virginians. We are bonding well and excited about our opportunities to work with ServeTrust ministries, beginning tomorrow.

We worship tomorrow with a congregation in Secunderabad, a city about an hour from where we are staying now. After two services we will head back to the airport for the flight to Vijayawada where Leena will take us to minister with the railroad yard community devastated by fire last week.

God is at work and I am fortunate to be here to witness and share in what is being done. Thanks for your prayers. Will talk with you again tomorrow.

Jim Abernathy

Friday, February 12, 2016

India Trip, Days 1-2

Blessings from a very warm Hyderabad, India. Arrived at hotel about an hour ago, nearly 26 hours of flying, layover, and getting through customs. What an adventure...for the must part, a smooth one. Thanks for your emails and texts of support. They are greatly appreciated.

It is 11:05 pm here, 10.5 hours ahead of you. Going to turn out lights and try to catch up on some sleep. Orientation meeting tomorrow.  Praying for you!

Jim Abernathy

Lenten Devotional...February 12

Ezekiel 18:25-32

“Cast away from you all the transgressions that you have committed against me, and get yourselves a new heart and a new spirit!”
(Ezekiel 18:31)

I love the smell of a new car.  It used to entice me to showrooms and car lots where an open door became yet another opportunity to dream.  Some have tried to bottle this tempting fragrance and sell it to those who want the illusion of a new car smell, but it’s a poor substitute for the real thing.

Today’s text calls the sinner to seek a new heart and spirit.  The old has been tainted by rebellious, self-centered ways. One cannot exchange the old body and spirit for new ones, for renewal here, comes from within.  The grace and mercy of God restores and renews, making all things new…not a poor substitute, but indeed, the real thing.

Prayer: Help me let go, dear Lord, of the sin that too often marks me.  Make me new once more by your grace and mercy. Amen.

Jim Abernathy

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Lenten Devotional, February 11

Psalm 37:23-24

“Our steps are made firm by the Lord, when he delights in our way;
though we stumble, we shall not fall headlong,
    for the Lord holds us by the hand.”

I remember those “hand in hand days,” long, long ago. There are grainy, black and white photos of my father and I, walking together in the springtime of our relationship.  He has the firm and steady grip and gait…I, the uncertain toddling way.  These pictures capture a particular instance far removed from my memory, but now cherished in the evidence they offer of his sure and certain love.

The Psalmist offers evidence in today’s text of God’s love for a stumbling, sometimes falling human creation.  The differences are undeniable, but so too is the strength of One who holds tightly to the toddling, uncertain child. Herein is our hope, even in our sin, “for the Lord,” the Psalmist writes, “holds us by the hand.” 

Prayer: Gracious God, in my stumbling, hold tightly to my hand, that I may walk with you. Amen.

Jim Abernathy

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Lenten Devotional...Ash Wednesday

Amos 5:12-15

“For I know how many are your transgressions, and how great are your sins…”
(Amos 5:12)

To be “found out” is a fearful thing.  The fine line between cover up and exposure often leaves one anxious and uneasy.  Speaking through the prophet Amos, God shatters the veil of secrecy and pulls away the false covering of righteousness to reveal a sinful people.  Sounds pretty dramatic, but confrontation often is. 

When the prophet Nathan confronts King David with his secret sins of murder and adultery, David confesses that his sin is first and foremost against God.  Against you, you alone, have I sinned,” he cries, “and done what is evil in your sight…” Sin is ultimately an affront to the One who has made you Imago Dei, in the image of God.  God knows…you and I have been found out.

Prayer: Creator God, you know my sin. My Lenten journey begins today in ashes and brokenness.  Amen.

Jim Abernathy

Friday, February 5, 2016

God Remembers Us

I witnessed recently someone ask that pulse-stopping question we all fear when encountering a person we haven't seen in a long time...Do you remember me?  Sometimes the face is familiar, but the name...well that may be a different thing altogether.  One challenge for me is that as I mature, I am finding that everyone looks familiar! Maybe I have just met too many people along the way.
Jesus reminds us in the tenth chapter of Matthew's gospel that God knows and recognizes us. This isn't a casual familiarity that mixes names and faces and memories, but an intimate awareness, even down to the number of hairs on our heads.  The purpose of Jesus' words in Matthew's account is to offer encouragement to his followers in the midst of constant challenge.  He was telling them that as God knew and cared for the birds of the air, so much more God knew and cared for them.  We don't have to ask if God remembers us.  God knows everything about us and loves us still! That is good news on a cold, February Friday.
In a world that often seems cold and indifferent, remember that God never forgets a name or a face. See you Sunday!

Jim Abernathy