Thursday, February 18, 2016

India Trip, Day 8

This morning ServeTrust held a pastor's school for the continuing education of the pastors who work alongside Leena Lavanya. I was privileged to speak on the subject of the pastor caring for his/her family. Tony Cupit, leader of our team, spoke about caring for the dying, and Nick Tuohy, a new friend who is an Australian pastor, spoke about suffering with Christ. Leena was the interpreter and as always, that made the process a bit more interesting and entertaining. When the training was complete, we shared communion and I helped serve the pastors and their spouses. Then, as per their tradition, the ministers and spouses were anointed with oil and offered a blessing. It was a moving and powerful moment affirming that the body of Christ is not bound by geography, language, or culture. The words of the great hymn are true, "In Christ there is no east or west, in him no north or south, but one great fellowship of love throughout the whole wide earth."

Another day of blessing, and yet another affirmation of why we support this vital ministry.  

I have been a bit under the weather today, so please keep praying. Your prayers mean more than you know. 

Jim Abernathy

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