“But they did not
understand what he was saying and were afraid to ask
Questions often serve to empower the learning
process. Maybe you have heard a teacher
say somewhere along the way that there are no dumb questions. The motive in saying this is to encourage
students, at whatever level of understanding, to be engaged in the learning
process by giving voice to their
It would seem that the disciples suffered from this
timidity of inquiry. Jesus had just told
them of his impending death and resurrection.
They were hard words to hear.
Whether their uncertainty and fear in voicing their concerns was lack of
understanding, fear of what this might mean for them, or simple denial at the
prospect of something they would rather not face, they were afraid to put their
questions to Jesus.
The shame in this or any circumstance where learning is
stifled by doubt and fear is the loss of what could be. Had the disciples found their voices and
engaged Jesus in dialogue, they might have had a better understanding of him and
of what was to come. As it was, their
fears closed the door on meaningful conversation and when Jesus’ words became
reality, they were unprepared.
Are there questions you are afraid to ask? Is it possible that the answers could free
you to become the person, parent, spouse, friend, child of God you are to
become? You’ll never know if you don’t
Prayer: Help me have the courage to ask, then trust you
with the answers, Lord. Amen.
Jim Abernathy
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