Monday, March 7, 2016

Lenten Devotional...March 7

John 16:33

“In the world you face persecution. But take courage; I have conquered the world!”

What does it mean to follow the way of the cross? Jesus did not sugarcoat the expectation for his followers.  They would face persecution because he was persecuted.  They would be hated because he was hated. He told them that if they desired to follow him they would have to deny themselves.  Doesn’t sound like a formula for attracting a great following, and yet, there were men and women who did follow him, even in persecution.

Why? Because they found courage. No, it wasn’t a courage gained at the edge of a sword.  No, it wasn’t courage found in the rhetoric of political persuasion.  No, it wasn’t courage found in following the crowd.  The courage they found was in the example of Jesus.  He persevered.  He risked himself.  He was obedient to God. Yes, he conquered the world and through him, they could too.  Through him, we can too!

Prayer: Eternal God, give me courage to overcome, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Jim Abernathy

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